So while most of America was enjoying Monday off, I got the privilege of going to work. It seemed like a normal day....seeing patients until lunch, then enjoying some quite time...but that was all about to change. We had roofers come to start replacing our roof. Aside from the noise, everything was going good. I was the only one at the office, getting things done, when I hear a knock on our front door. It was one of the roofers. He began to explain to me that him and his crew were trying to kill a snake that was on the roof, but it fell through...(i'm sorry...did I hear that right, A SNAKE!!!) The language barrier was a little difficult to communicate with, when immediately i began asking a thousand questions....NOPE..i heard him correctly. A snake had fallen into our attic at work....
Thankfully one of the workers went up into the attic and went searching for this devil creature...i am up on a chair in the waiting room like a chicken...
15 minutes later, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, so I walk over to ask him if he had any luck, and he sure did...
He had the snake by the tail, still ALIVE, walking down the stairs..I'm sure you can imagine my reaction..I think i almost passed out..
needles to say, he took it outside to kill it, and i got a picture of it for a keepsake...
I wonder what the rest of the week will have in store for me :)